Quad: Quadrant Engine

Click to open or copy the Quad project files.

Click to open or copy the Idl project files (required).

Click to open or copy the Bin project files (required).

Click to open or copy the Winhlprs project files (required).

It is recommended that you simply download everything from COM MFract Samples: Custom Interfaces, rather than from this level.

Sources for the Quadrant Fractal engine. Produces Quad.dll.

This component is used by fractal engines such as the Mandelbrot and Julia Set objects to simplify the amount of code that they have to write. Using this component allows the Mandelbrot and Julia Sets to get away with providing only a property dialog implementation, persistence, and a simple point-to-color mapping function.  The Quadrant engine takes care of iterating across the graph, drawing the points, and optimizing areas where possible.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

addref; closehandle; computepoint; cquadrantengine; cquadrantenginecf; createevent; createinstance; createthread; delete; dllcanunloadnow; dllgetclassobject; dllmain; donedrawinggraph; failed; getpoint; graphicsthread; init; initialize; isequalguid; lockserver; paletteindex; plotareaslowly; point; queryinterface; rect; release; reset; resetevent; setevent; setgraphsize; start; startgraphicsthread; stop; subdivide; terminatethread; useboundingboxes; waitforsingleobject