Read: ADO Cursor Timings Sample

Click to open or copy the files for the Read sample.

This C/C++ sample generates timings for fetching data using different cursor types and cache sizes. (Also called "the ADORead sample.")

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

_t; addfieldtolist; addstring; afxenablewin40compatibility; afxgetapp; afxmessagebox; allocsysstring; appendmenu; assert; begin_message_map; caboutdlg; cadoreadapp; cadoreaddlg; cdialog; cfiledialog; cocreateinstance; coinitialize; colevariant; create; crect; dc; ddv_maxchars; ddv_minmaxlong; ddx_check; ddx_control; ddx_text; declare_message_map; displayquerytime; dodataexchange; domodal; drawicon; end_message_map; execute; fail; failed; format; get_collect; get_eof; getclientrect; getcursel; getdlgitem; getpathname; getsafehdc; getsystemmenu; getsystemmetrics; getwindowtext; height; initinstance; isempty; isiconic; loadicon; loadstdprofilesettings; loadstring; messagebox; movenext; on_bn_clicked; on_cbn_selchange; on_command; on_wm_paint; on_wm_querydragicon; on_wm_syscommand; ondatabase; onexecute; oninitdialog; onpaint; onquerydragicon; onselchangeconnectmode; onselchangeconnectoption; onsyscommand; open; prepareeditctrl; put_cachesize; put_provider; put_source; putref_activeconnection; release; resetcontent; sendmessage; setdlgitemtext; setwindowtext; strunits; switch; sysfreestring; timegettime; updatedata; width; wsprintf