Click to open or copy the Secure project files.
The Secure sample consists of a client portion and a server portion. Its purpose is to demonstrate client-side and server-side security in a network OLE application.
Note DCOM is implemented only on Windows NT 4.0 and later versions. This sample will not work correctly on Windows 95 or on earlier versions of Windows NT.
The server application, Secsvr.exe, demonstrates the packaging options available to server writers and the call-security capabilities. It implements the following server capabilities:
The client application, Secclnt.exe, allows you to select security settings for the client application's connections to the server application.
This sample also includes Psmyprop.dll, which supplies the proxies and stubs needed for a remote custom interface used between the client and the server.
This sample uses the following keywords:
accesscheck; addref; changeserviceconfig; choosecolor; clientdialogproc; closehandle; closeservicehandle; cogetclassobject; coinitialize; coinitializeex; coinitializesecurity; coqueryproxyblanket; coregisterclassobject; corevokeclassobject; cosetproxyblanket; couninitialize; createevent; createinstance; createservice; createsolidbrush; csecureobject; debugbreak; deletecriticalsection; deleteobject; dialogbox; drawfocusrect; enablewindow; enddialog; entercriticalsection; entry; errormessage; failed; fautoregister; fillrect; formatmessage; framerect; getcolor; getdesktopwindow; getdlgitem; getfield; getlasterror; getmodulefilename; getstockobject; getsystemmetrics; getusername; getwindowrect; getwindowtextw; hresult_code; hresult_facility; hresult_from_win32; initializecriticalsection; interlockeddecrement; interlockedincrement; invalidaterect; invertrect; leavecriticalsection; localfree; lockserver; lstrcmpiw; lstrcpynw; lstrcpyw; lstrlen; lstrlenw; makeintresource; makelangid; makelong; memset; messagebox; movewindow; myservicehandler; myservicemain; offsetrect; openscmanager; openservice; outputdebugstring; postmessage; putcolor; putusername; queryinterface; regclosekey; regcreatekey; registerservicectrlhandler; regopenkey; regsetvalue; regsetvalueex; release; rgsizeof; selectentry; sendmessage; serverdialogproc; setevent; setservicestatus; setwindowtext; setwindowtextw; startservicectrldispatcher; stdmethodimp_; strcmpi; strtok; text; updatepropertyfields; updatesecurityfields; waitforsingleobject; winmain; wsprintf