SimpleMAPI: Demonstration of MAPI

Click to open or copy the files for the Simplemapi sample.

This sample demonstrates the basics of the Messaging Applications Programming Interface (MAPI).

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

beginpaint; createwindow; cwunregisterclasses; defwindowproc; deinitmapi; destroywindow; dispatchmessage; enablemenuitem; endpaint; freelibrary; getdialogbaseunits; getfocus; getmenu; getmessage; getprocaddress; getstringres; initmapi; initmessage; loadcursor; loadicon; loadlibrary; loadstring; lpfnmapifreebuffer; mapiaddress; mapideletemail; mapidetails; mapifindnext; mapifreebuffer; mapilogoff; mapilogon; mapireadmail; mapiresolvename; mapisavemail; mapisenddocuments; mapisendmail; memset; messagebox; mycpystr; ncwregisterclasses; outofmemory; postquitmessage; registerclass; setbkmode; showwindow; sprintf; strcpy; translatemessage; unregisterclass; winmain; wndproc