SymCvt: Convert Symbols for an Image

Click to open or copy the files for the SymCvt sample.

Click to open or copy the Bin directory (required).

Click to open or copy the Lib directory (required).

Click to open or copy the Include directory (required).

This program is the shell for the SymCvt.dll. The DLL's purpose is to convert the symbols for the specified image. The resulting debug data must conform to the CODEVIEW spec.

Currently this DLL converts COFF symbols and C7/C8 MapToSym.sym files.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

_makepath; _splitpath; align; byt_toupper; calculateinputfilepointers; calculatentimagepointers; calculateoutputfilepointers; calloc; closehandle; convertasegment; convertasymtopublic; convertcofftocv; convertsymbolsforimage; convertsymtocv; copymemory; createaddresssorttable; createdirectories; createfile; createfilemapping; createmoduledirectoryentries; createmodulesfromcoff; createmodulesfromsyms; createpublicdirectoryentries; createpublicsfromcoff; createpublicsfromsyms; createsegmapdirectoryentries; createsegmapfromcoff; createsegmapfromsyms; createsignature; createsrclinenumbers; createsrcmodulesdirectoryentries; createsymbolhashtable; dwordxorlrl; dwrd_toupper; enumsymbols; fillinseparateimagepointers; free; getexceptioncode; getexceptioninformation; getfilesize; getsymname; getsysteminfo; guardpagefilterfunction; image_first_section; isdigit; lpenumproc; malloc; mapinputfile; mapviewoffile; max; memcpy; memset; min; nextmod; nextsym16; nextsym32; offsetsortcompare; qsort; realloc; sprintf; strcmp; strcpy; strdup; stricmp; strncmp; strncpy; strstr; switch; symbolcount; symhashcompare; undecoratesymbolname; unmapinputfile; unmapviewoffile; updateptrs; virtualalloc; virtualfree; virtualquery; zeromemory