TestAll: Sample for Viewing Site Hierarchy, Package or Job Container

Click to open or copy the files for the TestAll sample.

Click to open or copy the Common files (required).

This program illustrates the use of the SMS functions to examine a site hierarchy, package container, or job container. For each type of container, the user is prompted for which of the standard sets of filters to apply. The container is then populated, and enumerated to the console.

For more information, see Testall.exe in the Microsoft SMS API.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

chkstat; chkstat_rtn; connecttodatasource; ctime; didrequesthelp; displayexpression; displayfolder; displaygreeting; displayhelp; displayscalars; displaysmserror; dothework; free; getdumpoption; gets; getsize; getstatusname; inputstring; malloc; memset; printf; setjobfilters; setpkgfilters; setsitefilters; smsaddtoken; smsapiver; smsclosecontainer; smsclosefilter; smsclosefolder; smscreatefilter; smsdatasourceconnect; smsdatasourcedisconnect; smsgetfoldercount; smsgetfolderid; smsgetfoldertype; smsgetnextfolder; smsgetnextscalar; smsgetscalarcount; smsgettoken; smsgettokencount; smsopencontainer; smspopulate; smssetfilter; strcmp; strcpy