Click to open or copy the files for the Tp4 sample.
This sample is a demonstration of the ISO Transport addendum to the Window Sockets interface.
Dgrecv.c is a sample program demonstrating NWLink. This program is a simple example of using SPX connect.
Listen.c is a sample program demonstrating NWLink. This program is a simple example of opening an SPX socket, binding to the socket, and listening for a connection.
This sample uses the following keywords:
accept; bind; closesocket; connect; do_listen; do_recv_send; do_send_receive; dos_net_perror; dos_net_strerror; exit; free; get_error_text; getpeername; getsockname; iso_set_tp_addr; len; listen; localnetworkaddress; make_connection; makeword; malloc; mem_check; memset; net; net_init; net_length; printf; recv; remotenetworkaddress; scanf; send; setsockopt; sleep; socket; sprintf; tsel; wait_for_connection; wsastartup