TVXsamp: MFC Sample to Control TV Viewer

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This sample MFC application demonstrates how to connect to and control TV Viewer.

TVXSamp is a Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) application that connects to and controls an instance of TV Viewer. The sample has a single dialog box with buttons you can click to test its functionality. On startup, TVXSamp gets a reference to a running instance of TV Viewer. It uses this reference to call methods of the TV Viewer dispatch interface, ITVViewer.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

_t; afxenablecontrolcontainer; afxgetapp; afxmessagebox; afxoleinit; afxolelockapp; afxoleunlockapp; assert_kindof; begin_dispatch_map; begin_interface_map; begin_message_map; canexit; cdialog; channellist; coledispatchdriver; ctvxsampapp; ctvxsampdlg; ctvxsampdlgautoproxy; dc; declare_dispatch_map; declare_dynamic; declare_dyncreate; declare_interface_map; declare_message_map; declare_olecreate; define_guid; defined; deletereminder; dodataexchange; domodal; drawicon; enableautomation; end_dispatch_map; end_interface_map; end_message_map; episodestatuschanged; factory; getactiveobject; getcc; getclientrect; getcurrenttuninginfo; getprevioustuninginfo; getsafehdc; getsystemmetrics; globalendtime; globalstarttime; hasenhancement; hasreminder; height; implement_dynamic; implement_dyncreate; implement_olecreate2; initinstance; interface_part; invokehelper; iscc; ischannelbarup; isiconic; isloaderactive; ismodaldialogup; istvmode; itvcontrol; itvviewer; loadicon; on_bn_clicked; on_command; on_wm_close; on_wm_paint; on_wm_querydragicon; onbutton1; onbutton2; onbutton4; oncancel; onclose; onfinalrelease; onidle; oninitdialog; onok; onpaint; onquerydragicon; onsetreminder; ontvfocus; powerchange; queryinterface; registerall; release; runautomated; runembedded; runtime_class; sendmessage; setcc; seticon; setoutput; setreminder; settvmode; showwindow; succeeded; syncevent; teardown; tune; updateregistryall; viewerid; wantnumkeys; width