VB4Addin: Add-in Created with Visual Basic 4.0
Click to open or copy the VB4Addin project files.
This sample demonstrates the minimal hooks needed to create a Visual C++ 6.0 add-in using Visual Basic 4.0 (32 bit) Enterprise edition.
To build the sample
- Start Visual Basic 4.0.
- Load the project file (addin.vbp) and build the project.
- Place the vb4addin.dll in \Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\addins.
To run the sample
- Start Visual C++ and click Customize on the Tools menu.
- Choose the Add-ins and Macro Files tab, and select the VBAddin Sample in the list box
VB4Addin.dll creates a small toolbar that is visible when you close the Customize dialog box.
- Click the VB4Addin button on the newly created toolbar. A dialog box will appear indicating that the Addin is correctly installed and working.