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The Walker tool allows you to view information about the virtual memory of a process.
This sample uses the following keywords:
abs; beginpaint; charnext; charprev; createfontindirect; defined; defwindowproc; destroywindow; drawfocusrect; drawlistitem; endpaint; exttextout; getcmdline; getdc; getdevicecaps; getdrivetype; getexceptioncode; getlogicaldrives; getstockobject; getsyscolor; getsysteminfo; getsystemmetrics; gettextmetrics; handlebreakpoint; isdbcsleadbyte; makelangid; min; movewindow; my_mbschr; my_mbstok; primarylangid; releasedc; selectobject; setbkcolor; setrect; settextcolor; text; textout; updatewindow; wsprintf