Wxform: World Coordinate Transformation

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The Wxform sample provides a demonstration of the new world coordinate transformation. This sample displays a rectangle in world coordinates and a matrix containing the transform values. Users can directly manipulate the rectangle and see the effect on the transformation, or they can set the transformation and see the effect on the rectangle.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

beginpaint; createdialog; createwindow; defwindowproc; deleteobject; dispatchmessage; dotrackobject; getdc; getdlgitemtext; getmessage; getstockobject; getviewportorgex; getworldtransform; loadcursor; loadicon; mainwndproc; mousedlgproc; mousemove; offsetrect; postquitmessage; registerclass; releasecapture; selectobject; setcapture; setdlgitemtext; setrop2; setworldtransform; showwindow; sqrt; transformdlgproc; translatemessage; unreferenced_parameter; updatewindow; winmain