About Step 3

Step 3 teaches:

Up to now Enroll has supported editing (updating) records but not adding or deleting records.

There are many different user-interface styles for adding records. For example, when a Microsoft Access user reaches the end of a recordset, Access considers the next record to be a new record. Other applications have an explicit Add command. Enroll’s user interface is only one among many possible user interfaces that you might implement using MFC.

The user interface in Step 3 includes three new commands on the Record menu, with corresponding toolbar buttons:

To try Step 3 now, run Enroll.exe from the Samples directory on the distribution CD. For more information, see Previewing the Sample Applications in Scribble Lesson 1. Note that if you are running the DaoEnrol tutorial, you will first need to set up the data source. See the section Setting Up the Student Registration Data Source in Enroll Lesson 1.

The figure below shows the finished Enroll application.

The Enroll Step 3 Application

Here are some things to try:

When you finish, exit the program.