Copying the Help Menu Resources

First, copy Help-related menu resources from HelpApp to Scribble.

To copy Help menu resources to Scribble

  1. Open the files Scribble.rc and HelpApp.rc, which are located in their respective project directories. These files display the contents of the ResourceView panes for both Scribble and HelpApp.

  2. Open the IDR_MAINFRAME menus from both resource files.

    Arrange the menu editor windows so that they don’t overlap.

  3. Open both Help menus.

  4. Click the Help Topics menu item in the HelpApp Help menu. Then hold down the SHIFT key while you click the separator below the Help Topics item. Release the SHIFT key.

    This selects the menu item and separator.

  5. Hold down the CTRL key and use the mouse to drag the highlighted menu items to the Help menu in Scribble.rc, above the About Scribble menu item. Release the mouse button and the CTRL key.

    This copies the menu item and the separator to Scribble.

  6. Close the two IDR_MAINFRAME menu editing windows.

  7. Repeat steps 3 through 6, using the application-specific menu resources in Scribble and HelpApp: IDR_SCRIBBTYPE and IDR_HELPAPTYPE, respectively.