Overview of AutoClik Steps 1, 2, and 3

The AutoClik tutorial consists of three steps: STEP 1, STEP 2, and STEP 3. The sample source files contain a subdirectory for each step. Each step’s subdirectory contains complete source files, and other files needed for the step. You can create the program yourself by working through these steps, or you can use the sample files provided. If you do not have these files on your local drive, you can easily install them. For more information, see Installing the Sample Files in Scribble Lesson 1.

In Step 1, Enabling Automation in an Application, you will learn how to:

In Step 2, Implementing Automation Properties and Methods, you implement the document dispatch interface. You will learn how to use ClassWizard to:

In Step 3, Implementing Multiple Dispatch Interfaces, you will implement the second Point interface and expose AutoClik’s x and y values by using this Point interface. You will learn how to: