Scribble’s In Place Editing Files

IpFrame.cpp contains the implementation of Scribble’s COleIPFrameWnd-derived class. This is the frame window for Scribble when it draws in the container. COleIPFrameWnd provides the resize border that you noticed in the preview demonstration. Note that Scribble only uses this COleIPFrameWnd object when the Scribble object is in-place activated in the container application. Only then does the server need to provide a window. When the Scribble object is not activated in place, but is just being drawn in the container’s window, the OLE server provides a metafile (a list of drawing commands) to the container so it can then play the metafile.

ScribbleItem.cpp contains the implementation of Scribble’s COleServerItem-derived class. The COleServerItem object represents the Scribble document when it is embedded in a container.