Setting Up the Student Registration Data Source

Before you start the Enroll tutorial, you need to set up the Student Registration database and register it as an ODBC data source. Choose a database format for which you have the corresponding database management system (DBMS) and 32-bit ODBC driver. Microsoft ships with Visual C++ the 32-bit ODBC drivers for most standard database formats, including: SQL Server, Access, Paradox, dBase, FoxPro, Excel, and Oracle.

Suggested Reading

To set up the student registration database, you must:

If you are using a DBMS other than the prebuilt Microsoft Access StdReg32.mdb database file, you need to add tables to your database so that it matches the Student Registration database schema. Additionally, you may need to install drivers other than those that Visual C++ Setup installs for you. In this case, perform the following procedure(s):

Each of these procedures is described in the following topics.

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