Testing the Control Drawing Behavior

To test the new drawing behavior of the control, run Test Container and load the control.

To insert the Circ control in Test Container

  1. Use Control Panel to modify the Windows system background color so that it is not white.

  2. On the Tools menu, click ActiveX Control Test Container.

  3. On the Edit menu, click Insert New Control.

    The Insert Control dialog box appears.

  4. From the list box, select Circ Control.

  5. Click OK to close the Insert Control dialog box and insert the control into Test Container.

The Circle control is displayed in Test Container and painted using the same background color as the Test Container window. You can also modify the BackColor property value.

To modify the BackColor property

  1. On the Control menu, click Invoke Methods.

  2. In the Method Name box, select the PropPut version of the BackColor property.

  3. In the Parameter Type control, select VT_COLOR. The Parameter Value control changes to a Choose Color button.

  4. Click the Choose Color button, and from the Color dialog, select red. Click OK.

  5. Click Invoke. The Circle control background color changes to red.

When you have finished, close Test Container.