The Context-Sensitive Help Option

This procedure describes how to select the Context-Sensitive Help option when you create a new application with AppWizard. After creating this starter project with AppWizard, you will copy sections to your Scribble application and modify them so Context-Sensitive Help works in Scribble.

To generate AppWizard application help support

  1. Create a new file.

  2. In the New dialog box, click the Projects tab. Select MFC AppWizard (exe) in the list box.

  3. Fill in or select the remaining boxes as follows:
  4. Click OK.

    AppWizard creates the project directory, and the MFC AppWizard – Step 1 dialog box appears.

  5. Accept the default options in the dialog boxes for AppWizard Steps 1, 2, and 3 by clicking Next.

  6. In the MFC AppWizard – Step 4 dialog box, click the Context Sensitive Help option, then click Finish.

    The New Project Information dialog box appears, summarizing the settings and features AppWizard will generate for you when it creates your project.

  7. Click OK in the New Project Information dialog box.

    AppWizard creates all necessary files and displays the project in ClassView in the Project Workspace window. See Viewing the Starter Classes in Lesson 2.

You can freely use the Help files that AppWizard creates in your applications and freely ship the compiled help.

Note   By default, AppWizard generates the Help Project file in Windows Help version 4.01 format.