The Tutorial Example: Circle

The Circle tutorial consists of three steps, CIRC1, CIRC2 and CIRC3. The individual steps can be found in the CIRC sample abstract under Samples \ MFC Samples \ Tutorial Samples in the online documentation or in the \SAMPLES subdirectory on the Visual C++ CD-ROM. Installing the Sample Files in Scribble Lesson 1 describes how to copy sample files and how to run a sample directly. Each step contains a project file, complete source files, and other related files for a version of the Circle control that corresponds to a stage of the tutorial. CIRC1 shows Circle just after it has been created. CIRC2 shows Circle after several properties and events have been added. CIRC3 shows Circle with additional stock properties and property pages, and data binding and versioning support.

In successive lessons, you will learn how to:

Note   The sample source code in CIRC1, CIRC2, and CIRC3 is not exactly the same as the source code produced by the tutorial. In the tutorial, where strings, identifiers, or filenames contain the string "circ", CIRC1 uses "circ1", CIRC2 uses "circ2", and so on. The main control class in the tutorial is CircCtrl, but in the CIRC3 sample it is Circ3Ctrl. This naming difference permits each stage of the Circle control to be registered as an ActiveX control. All of the sample controls and the control you develop by following the tutorial can be used in Test Container at the same time. The sample controls behave the same way as the control produced by following the tutorial.