Use StdReg.exe to Add Tables

If you are using a DBMS other than the prebuilt Microsoft Access StdReg32.mdb database file, use the STDREG tool to add tables to the Student Registration database. This tool creates the Student Registration tables listed in the table Tables in the Student Registration Database, earlier in this lesson. The tool also adds records to the newly created tables for use as test data by the Enroll application.

Note   This procedure assumes you have used StdReg.exe to register the Student Registration data source.

To add tables by using StdReg.exe

  1. If necessary, start StdReg.exe, and then click the Initialize Data option.

    Depending on the type of database you are using, you may need to respond to a login dialog box, such as the SQL Server Login dialog box.

  2. After logging in to the Student Registration data source, respond to a series of three Enter SQL Column Syntax dialog boxes.

    After you respond to three successive Enter SQL Column Syntax dialog boxes, STDREG creates the tables in the new database.

  3. When STDREG has completed this task, click Exit.

    You can rerun the STDREG tool at any time to remove and re-create the tables in the Student Registration data source.

For more information about using StdReg.exe, see the STDREG sample topic.