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When you use the MFC ActiveX Control Wizard to create a control, Visual C++ creates two interfaces, displayed as icons in ClassView. The first is the dispinterface that you use to add properties and methods. The second is the dispinterface that you use to define outgoing events.
To add an event to an MFC ActiveX control
This is the name automation clients will use to request an event from the control. The Internal name box displays a suggested member function name. You can optionally change that name.
If you are defining a new event, this area is unavailable.
The event is visible as an icon in ClassView under the interface.
You can double-click the icon to jump to the definition in the .odl file. For custom events, or stock events with custom implementations, you can double-click the icon under the class that implements the interface (usually the control class) to jump to the .h file.