Drawing Lines or Closed Figures

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The Graphics editor tools for drawing lines and closed figures all work in the same way: you place the insertion point at one point and drag to another. For lines, these points are the endpoints. For closed figures, these points are opposite corners of a rectangle bounding the figure.

Lines are drawn in a width determined by the current brush selection, and framed figures are drawn in a width determined by the current width selection. Lines and all figures, both framed and filled, are drawn in the current foreground color if you press the left mouse button, or in the current background color if you press the right mouse button.

To draw a line

  1. From the Graphics toolbar, select the line tool.

  2. If necessary, select colors and a brush:
  3. Place the pointer at the line’s starting point.

  4. Drag to the line’s endpoint.

To draw a closed figure

  1. From the Graphics toolbar, select a closed-figure drawing tool.

    The closed-figure drawing tools create figures as indicated on their respective buttons.

  2. If necessary, select colors and a line width:
  3. Move the pointer to one corner of the rectangular area in which you want to draw the figure.

  4. Drag the pointer to the diagonally opposite corner.