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An accelerator table is a Windows resource that contains a list of accelerator keys (also known as shortcut keys) and the command identifiers that are associated with them. A program can have more than one accelerator table.
Normally, accelerators are used as keyboard shortcuts for program commands that are also available on a menu or toolbar. However, you can use the accelerator table to define key combinations for commands that don’t have a user-interface object associated with them.
You can use ClassWizard to hook accelerator key commands to code. For more information on ClassWizard, see Working with Classes.
With the Accelerator editor, you can:
Tip While using the Accelerator editor, in many instances, you can click the right mouse button to display a shortcut menu of frequently used commands. The commands available depend on what the pointer is pointing to. For example, if you click while pointing to an accelerator entry, the shortcut menu shows the Cut, Copy, New Accelerator, ClassWizard, and Properties commands.
Note Windows does not allow the creation of empty accelerator tables. If you create an accelerator table with no entries, it is deleted automatically when you exit Microsoft Visual C++.
For information about common resource edit procedures such as creating new resources, opening existing resources, and deleting resources, see Resource Editors How Do I ... Topics.
Setting accelerator properties
Associating an accelerator key with a menu item