Overview: WizardBar

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WizardBar is a dockable toolbar that provides instant access to some of the most powerful features in Visual C++, such as those traditionally available from ClassWizard, as well as many of the new ClassView functions. WizardBar extends ClassView functionality by "tracking" your context — updating what's displayed in the WizardBar toolbar when your focus shifts. For example, WizardBar changes its display to reflect when your cursor moves from one function to another in the Text editor.

WizardBar makes working with classes, members, and resources easier than ever — with the click of a button you can perform tasks such as:

To view WizardBar

Note   WizardBar remains inactive unless you have a project open.

What do you want to know more about?

WizardBar elements

WizardBar context tracking

What do you want to do?

Add a new class

Add a new form

Navigate to code

Switch between the Dialog editor and code