Project Types

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Each project has a project type, which you choose when you create the project. The project type specifies what to generate and also specifies some default settings required in order to build that output type. It specifies, for instance, the settings that the compiler uses for the source files, the libraries that the linker uses to build each project configuration, the default locations for output files, the defined constants, and so on.

What do you want to know more about?

ATL COM AppWizard

Cluster Resource Type Wizard

Custom AppWizard

Database Project (Enterprise Edition only)

DevStudio Add-in Wizard

Extended Stored Procedure AppWizard

ISAPI Extension (Internet Server API) Wizard


MFC ActiveX ControlWizard

MFC AppWizard (DLL version)

MFC AppWizard (.EXE version)

Utility Project

Win32 Application

Win32 Console Application

Win32 Dynamic Link Library

Win32 Static Library