Switching Between the Dialog Editor and Code

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You can double-click on dialog box controls to jump to their handler code, or to quickly create stub handler functions. In addition, you can double-click on the dialog box itself to jump to its definition. With a dialog box or control selected, click Events from the shortcut menu to view a complete list of Windows messages and events available for this item. Choose from the list to create or edit handler functions

You can also jump to the Dialog editor from other contexts within the Visual C++ development environment, such as ClassView or WizardBar.

What do you want to know more about?

The Visual C++ Dialog editor

What do you want to do?

Jump to code from the Dialog editor

Quickly add a message handler for a control

Quickly add the default message handler for a control

Choose from available Windows messages and events

Use WizardBar to jump to the Dialog editor

Use ClassView to jump to the Dialog editor

To jump to code from the Dialog editor

To choose from available Windows messages and events

  1. With a dialog box or control selected, click the right mouse button and then click Events in the shortcut menu.

    The New Windows Message and Events Handlers dialog box appears. This dialog box is class-specific, so you will see the class that implements this dialog box displayed in the title bar and in the Class or object to handle list. All controls in the dialog box also appear in the list.

  2. Use the Class or object to handle list to select the control for which you want to create a handler. You can also select the dialog box.

    The New Windows messages/events list displays all possible Windows messages for which you can create handlers. The Existing message/event handlers list shows those Windows messages or events for which handlers have already been created. You can choose any of the following actions:

To use WizardBar to jump to the Dialog editor

To use ClassView to jump to the Dialog editor