Changing the SQL Dialect of an SQL Script

See Also

You can create an SQL script file in different SQL dialects, including Microsoft® SQL Server™, Transact-SQL, and Oracle SQL+. After you have created the script, you can change its SQL dialect (if necessary), a choice that is useful if you import the script into a project that uses a different database.

In Microsoft® Visual InterDev™ and Visual J++™, the SQL dialect used is automatically based on the type of database. Visual InterDev and Visual J++ store the SQL scripts with the data connections. If you create an SQL script for a database connection or move an SQL script to that data connection, the correct SQL dialect is automatically used for that database type.

In Microsoft® Visual C++®, you can change the SQL dialect of a SQL script.

To change the SQL dialect for an SQL script file in Microsoft Visual C++

  1. From the Project Explorer (FileView in Microsoft Visual C++), double-click the SQL script file to open it in the source editor.

  2. Right-click the file in the SQL editor and choose Properties.

  3. From the Language list, select one of the available SQL dialects.

    Your SQL script will now use the SQL dialect you selected.