Opening a Database Project

See Also

You can open a database project when you want to resume your connections to a server database so that you can design database objects or query the database. Before you can open a database project, that project must already exist in the directory where you last saved it.

To open a database project in Microsoft® Visual InterDev™ and Visual J++™

  1. From the File menu, choose Open Project.

  2. In the Open Project dialog box, choose the Existing tab.

  3. Select the database project you want to open and choose OK.

To open a database project in Microsoft® Visual C++®

  1. From the File menu, choose Open Workspace.

    Note   In Visual C++, you cannot open a project without first opening the associated workspace.

  2. In the Open dialog box, choose Workspaces (.dsw; .mdp) from the Files of type box.

  3. Select the workspace for the database project you want to open and choose OK.

When you open a database project, the Data View window is added to the project workspace to display the names of database diagrams and database objects, such as tables, views, and stored procedures. You can access and manage database objects in Data View. For more information about using Data View, see Managing Databases in Data View.

You create and open queries in the Project Explorer (FileView in Microsoft Visual C++). For details, see Managing Queries in the Project Explorer.