Renaming a Trigger

See Also

When you change the name of a trigger, the trigger name is updated in your database and in the Tables folder of Data View as soon as you save the trigger.

To rename a trigger in Microsoft SQL Server 7.0

  1. Open the trigger. For details, see Opening a Trigger.

  2. In the source code editor, replace the existing trigger name with the new name. (The trigger name appears after the Create Trigger statement.)

  3. Save the trigger. For details, see Saving a Trigger.

  4. Delete the old trigger (unless you want two identical triggers with different names). For details, see Deleting a Trigger.

The new trigger name is in the database and is displayed in Data View.

For more information about editing the Create Trigger statement, see Creating a Trigger.

To rename a trigger in Microsoft SQL Server 6.5

  1. In Data View, right-click to select the trigger you want to rename.

  2. Click Rename.

  3. Type the new name over the old name, and press Enter.

The new trigger name is now in the database and is displayed in Data View in place of the old name.