Tables Property Page

See Also   Tasks

This property page contains a set of properties for the tables in your database diagram and their check constraints.

Selected table

Shows the name of the selected table in your diagram. If more than one table is selected in your diagram, only the name of the first table in your selection is visible. Expand the list to choose a different table to show properties for.

Table name

Shows the name of the selected table. To rename the table, enter a new name in this box. For more information, see Renaming a Table.

Table File Group

Select the name of the filegroup in which you want to store the selected table data. You must have at least one user-defined filegroup for this setting to be enabled. This setting is only available for SQL Server 7.0 databases. If you create a database object and do not specify its filegroup, SQL Server will assign it to the default filegroup. Initially, the default filegroup is the Primary filegroup.

For more information on creating and using filegroups, see your SQL Server documentation.

Text File Group

Select the name of the filegroup you want to store the text and images from the selected table in. You must have at least one user-defined filegroup for this setting to be enabled. This setting is only available for SQL Server 7.0 databases. If you create a database object and do not specify its filegroup, SQL Server will assign it to the default filegroup. Initially, the default filegroup is Primary filegroup.

For more information on creating and using filegroups, see your SQL Server documentation.

Check constraints for table and columns

You can add or edit a check constraint in this dialog box. For more information about adding check constraints, see Attaching a New Check Constraint to a Table or Column.