Visual InterDev

Viewing Links for an Item in a Project

See Also

You can view the links for any item located in a Web application, an item in an open link diagram, or any valid URL.

When you view the links for an item in your current Web application, you see a design-time view of the links. For example, design-time controls and other design-time only links appear in a link diagram. Internal items appear as valid or broken in a link diagram.

For more information about which HTML tags Link View identifies as links in a link diagram, see HTML Tags and Link Diagrams.

To view links for an item in a project

A link diagram appears with an icon representing the selected item in the center of the diagram. By default, new link diagrams open in horizontal layout, showing both the in links and out links for an item.

To view links for an item in a link diagram

A link diagram appears with an icon representing the selected item in the center of the diagram.

To view links for any URL, see Viewing Links for an Item on the WWW.