Visual InterDev

Visual InterDev Modes in Site Designer

See Also   Tasks

You can create and edit site diagrams in online mode only. When working offline, you can view site diagrams but you cannot save changes to a site diagram.

When you save a site diagram in either local mode or master mode, Site Designer updates the master Web server with any changes you have made. Any new pages you have added to the site diagram using the New HTML Page or New ASP Page commands are automatically added to the master Web server. Navigation structure changes are also automatically made to the master Web server when you save site diagrams.

For example, suppose you have created a new site diagram in local mode. You use the New HTML Page command to add three new pages in your site diagram. When you save the site diagram, Site Designer adds the three new pages to the master Web server and to your local computer. The three pages now appear in the Project Explorer with the working copy icon, indicating that a copy of the new files exists on both the master Web server and your local computer.

For more information about Microsoft® Visual InterDev™ modes, see Working Locally.

Note   If you add a personal file to a site diagram, Site Designer will automatically add the file to the master Web server when you save the diagram. The file would then appear as a working file in the Project Explorer.