Visual InterDev
You can control how pages replace each other visually in the Web browser using the PageTransitions control. At run time, you typically see one page, select a link or enter a new URL, and then you see the next page quite abruptly. You can select a transition that appears to move across the screen replacing the current page with the new page incrementally using a variety of special effects.
For example, the wipe transition appears to wipe the current page away and replace it with the next page. For a list of transition types, see "Transitions" at "".
You can drag this control from the Toolbox directly onto your Web page in the editor in either Design view or Source view and then use the Properties dialog box to specify a type and duration.
Note If you place a PageTransitions DTC onto an ASP page that has the Scripting Object Model enabled, you must place the DTC above the following script block:
<% ' VI 6.0 Scripting Object Model Enabled %>
<!--#include file="_ScriptLibrary/pm.asp"-->
<% if StartPageProcessing() Then Response.End() %>
<FORM name=thisForm METHOD=post>
Since the transition plays when you move from one page to another, you can only view the transitions in the Web browser. The Quick View tab of the editor does not play transitions.
Note If the page is displayed within a frame, the page and site transitions do not play. These transitions can only occur on the main page read by the browser, not within frames.
To view the results of enter transitions, use your Web browser to start with a page and then open the page with the transition. To view the results of exit transitions, open the page with the transition and then open another page.
You can set a transition to play at the following events:
To play | Use |
Any time the page is loaded or refreshed | Page Enter area on the Page Transition tab |
Any time the page is replaced by a new page | Page Exit area on the Page Transition tab |
When the page replaces a page with a URL outside your Web site | Site Enter area on the Site Transition tab |
When the page is replaced by a page external to your Web site | Site Exit area on the Site Transition tab |
If you specify both types of enter or exit transitions, the order of precedence favors the site transition over the page transition. Only one plays depending on the originating page.
For example, if the page enter transition is a wipe and the site enter transition is a fade, when the page is loaded after an external site page, only the fade transition plays.