Visual InterDev

Previewing a Web Application

See Also

When you are ready to test your local Web application, you can view its files in the Web browser. Previewing your local Web application allows you to test its functionality before releasing the copies to the master server. You can also test your links visually using Link View before running the application in a Web browser. For more information about testing links, see Link Verification and Maintaining Links.

The testing functionality available in your local Web application prototype depends on the system components on your local computer. You can always test your .htm files and your client script using the local Web application.

To fully test .asp files with server script, however, you need to have a local version of a Web server that supports .asp files. For more information about getting local versions, see Getting Master Copies Locally. For more information about what you can test, see "Test-Time Interaction of Components" in the Web File Processing topic.

As long as you have a connection to the master Web server, you can still verify your links to other files without getting a local copy of those files. Even in local mode, Visual InterDev contacts the master Web server to verify links.

To test links while you are working offline, however, you need to get copies of the files to use in your local Web application because the connection to the master Web server is not available.

To preview the local Web application

If a Web server resides on the same computer as the local Web application, you can test your server script as well as your client script and HTML. If you do not have a Web server on the same computer, you can test only your client script and HTML. Server script requires a Web server for processing.

You might want to review how the current version of master Web application performs.

To preview the master Web application