Visual InterDev

Modifying Data

In addition to simply displaying data from a database, you can create Web pages that allow users to modify data — update existing records, add records, and delete records. You build data modification into your application by using the Recordset control, which creates a recordset — a virtual table that users can navigate in and update. Modifications are made to the recordset and then passed to the underlying database.

Alternatively, you can display records on your page using a recordset, and then call stored procedures to perform actions such as updating, inserting, and deleting. The method for performing the updates is the same whether you use a recordset or a stored procedure. For details about binding a Recordset control to stored procedures, see Executing Database Commands Using the Data Environment.

No matter what method you use, you must first be sure that it will be possible to update the database at all. Factors to consider are:

For detail about how to update databases, see the topics listed in the following table.

To See
Get the values of the current record Getting Values from the Current Record
Update records Updating Records
Delete one or more records Deleting Records
Add new records to the database Adding Records