Visual InterDev

Viewing Data

In Microsoft® Visual InterDev™, you can display data on your Web pages using data-bound design-time controls. The new data environment makes this process easy by giving you the ability to create and manage all your data-bound controls from one location.

First, you make a data connection to an existing database. The data connection appears in the data environment (DataEnvironment) folder in your Web project. You can then easily add controls bound to this connection to an ASP or HTML page by creating Command objects in the data environment and dragging them to the page. Visual InterDev creates data-bound controls that display the data from the database.

You can also drag data-bound controls from the Toolbox to your page to display data. For example, you can create a data connection and add a Recordset design-time control based on this connection to an ASP or HTML page. A number of other controls allow you to display data from the recordset defined by a Recordset control in different ways: text boxes, labels, list boxes, check boxes, option groups, and so on.

For even more flexibility in presenting your data, you can take advantage of the Grid design-time control. You can use this control to display data from multiple records in a grid format.

To See
Make a data connection and use the data environment and data-bound controls to create and manage recordsets Getting Records
Display data on your Web page Displaying Data on Your Web Page
Display data in a grid on your Web page Grid Properties Dialog Box

Grid Control

Learn more about using the data environment to create and manage data-bound controls The Data Environment