Visual InterDev

Web Design Tasks

Microsoft® Visual InterDev™ lets you get right to work on your Web projects, so you can create dynamic, complex Web sites.

With Site Designer, you can rapidly prototype the pages in a Web site and design the navigation bar links between those pages in a site diagram. Site diagrams allow you to add pages to an existing Web project and maintain the navigation bar links for pages. Site diagrams provide a graphical representation of pages and allow you to create the hierarchical relationships between pages that Visual InterDev uses to populate the links on navigation bars.

With Link View, you can visualize the links to and from an item in a Web project or any URL on the World Wide Web. Link View displays the links for an item in a link diagram. You can expand and collapse the links for an item in a link diagram to explore inbound and outbound links. Using Link View, you can easily identify the broken links for an item in your Web project.

Templates allow you to create identical pages in your Web site quickly. You can use templates to easily establish a consistent look and feel to HTML or ASP pages in your site.

To See
Create or prototype a new Web site Designing a Web Site
Create or organize the navigation structure of your Web site Designing Site Navigation
Open, rename, save, and delete site diagrams Managing a Site Diagram
View links or launch browsers and editors for items in a link diagram Viewing Links for an Item
Debug or manage the links between your pages Maintaining Links
Build similar-looking pages easily Customizing Page Appearance