Visual InterDev

Appearance Property

See Also   Tasks   Applies To

Specifies how the PageNavbar control displays navigation bar links on the current page. Available at design time.


The settings for Appearance are:

Setting Description
Graphic Specifies that the navigation bar display links as text superimposed over an image. The graphic used for the image is derived from the theme applied to the page. The text is derived from the page label specified in Site Designer.
Text Specifies that navigation bars display links as plain text. The text for the links is derived from the page labels for each corresponding page in the site diagrams.
HTML Specifies that the navigation bars display links based on custom HTML you specify.


You can set this property in the Appearance area on the Appearance Tab of the PageNavbar Properties dialog box.

If this property has a value, it sets the VALUE attribute of the <PARAM> tag whose NAME attribute is "Appearance."