Visual InterDev

HTMLFragment Property

See Also   Tasks   Applies To

Select to specify custom HTML to generate navigation bar links for the PageNavbar control. Available at design time.


The settings for HTMLFragment are:

Setting Description
(none) Specifies that the PageNavbar control uses its standard HTML to generate the links for the navigation bar.
HTML Specifies a custom HREF link to use to generate navigation bars.

Use the following tokens in your custom HTML to substitute information for each link.

Token Description
#LABEL# Inserts the page label for each link at run time in the custom HTML
#THEME# Inserts the current theme settings for the link
#URL# Inserts the URL for each link
#CLASS# Inserts the path of the CSS class for each page


You can set this property in the Link template option on the Appearance Tab of the PageNavbar Properties dialog box.

If this property has a value, it sets the VALUE attribute of the <PARAM> tag whose NAME attribute is "HTMLFragment."


For example, you could specify that the label of a link appears in the status bar whenever a user hovers over a link with the cursor by entering the following:

<a href=#URL# onMouseover='window.status="#LABEL#"'>#LABEL#</a>

For more information and examples, see the white paper "Site Designer Tips and Tricks" on the Microsoft® Visual InterDev™ Web site: