Visual InterDev

setRecordSource Method

See Also      Applies To

Sets the connection properties for opening a Recordset object.


object.setRecordSource(rsADO | strConn, strSQL)



A script object.


An ADO recordset.


Specifies the data connection.


Specifies the SQL statement.


This method resets all the properties of the Recordset script object.

When using the getRecordSource method your are getting the underlying ADO Recordset Object, not a clone. If you make adjustments to the object, you will need to synchronize it back to the Recordset script object using setRecordSource.


The following script assumes that there are two Recordset design-time controls on the page, RS1 and RS2. When the clone button is pressed, RS2 becomes a clone of RS1 using the setRecordSource and getRecordSource methods.

<SCRIPT ID=clientEventHandlersJS LANGUAGE=javascript>
function btnClone_onclick()

In the following sample script, the function initializes a recordset based on a connection string (strconn). When the Init button is pressed, Recordset script object, RS2, becomes initialized with the contents of the Authors table from the Pubs database on Server1.

 <SCRIPT ID=clientEventHandlersJS LANGUAGE=javascript>
function btnInit_onclick()
   RS2.setRecordSource('DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=Server1;User ID=sa;PASSWORD=;DATABASE=Pubs', 'Select * from authors');

In this third example, suppose you have a Visual Basic® ActiveX® DLL that returns a recordset. You can assign that recordset to the Recordset script object.

sub myRs_onbeforeopen()
dim myObj
   set myObj = Server.CreateObject("MyBusinessObject.MyClass")
end Sub

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