Visual InterDev

Delete Project Dialog Box

See Also      Tasks

Use this dialog box to indicate which Web files to delete.


Local Web project and all associated files

Select to delete the Web project definition files and Web application files located in the local project folder. The Web application files located on the master Web server are not deleted.

Note   After deleting your local Web project, you can still access the master Web application by creating a new Web project.

Master Web project and all associated files

Select to delete the Web application files located on the master Web server as well as the local Web project definition files. The Web application files located in the local project folder are not deleted.

Note   You may want to use this option if you want to keep a local copy of the Web application, but no long need to use the Microsoft® Visual InterDev™ project.

Both the master and local Web projects and all files

Select to delete both the Web application files on the master Web server and the Web project definition files and Web application files located in the local project folder.