Visual InterDev

Form Mode Tab (FormManager Properties Dialog Box)

See Also      Tasks

Sets options for the FormManager design-time control that define the modes that the form will have. For example, you might want a data entry form to have Insert, Update, and Delete modes.



Type a name for the FormManager control. The name is required and must be unique to the page. Sets the id property for the control.


New Mode

Enter the name of a mode you want to define for the form. For example, you might want an Update mode for a data entry form. Click the arrow key button to add the new mode to the form. This mode is added to the Form Mode list.

Form Mode

Displays all form modes that you've defined for this form. You define a form mode using the New Mode box and add it to the list using the arrow key button. The mode selected in the Form Mode list is the mode to which the settings displayed in the Actions Performed for Mode grid apply.

Default Mode

Select the mode you want the form to be in when the form is first displayed.

Delete Mode

Select a mode in the Form Mode list and choose this button to delete the mode from the form.

Actions Performed for Mode

These settings apply to the mode currently selected in the Form Mode list. You use these settings to specify the property settings for the controls on the form in each mode. For example, in a particular mode you might want to hide or disable one button control, and set the caption of another. You can set properties for any controls on the form. You can also run methods to set the functionality or appearance of the mode. For example, you might want to use the AddItem method to add items to a Listbox control on the form.


Select a control from the form.


Select the property whose value you want to set or the method you want to run for this form mode.


Enter the value you want to use for the property setting. You can enter a text value up to 255 characters, or use an expression to set this property. For methods, enter any parameters for the method within the parentheses.

If you're setting a property, the Value field will show <value>. Replace this with the property setting. If the setting is a string, use quotation marks.

If you're running a method, the Value field will show empty parentheses. Put any parameters for the method inside the parentheses. In the drop-down list in the Member field, the methods are listed with their parameters.

Note   The property settings and parameters you enter in the Value field are case-sensitive. For example, to set a property to true or false, you must enter true or false, not True or False.