Visual InterDev

Implementation Tab (Recordset Properties Dialog Box)

See Also      Tasks

Sets platform-related and cache-related options for the Recordset design-time control.


Scripting Platform

Select the scripting platform you want to use to view this Recordset control. Select Inherit from page to use the default platform for the ASP page, Server (ASP), or Client (IE 4.0 DHTML). Sets the DTCScriptingPlatform property for the control.

If you bind another design-time control, such as a Textbox control or Listbox control, to this Recordset control, the bound control will inherit this setting for its scripting platform.

Recordset cache

These settings determine how much of the recordset is maintained in memory, and which record you move to when the recordset is opened. You can use these to tune browser performance when opening recordsets.

Note   The bookmarks referred to below are not ADO bookmarks. The recordset is closed and reopened each time a page is refreshed, so ADO bookmarks cannot be used. Instead, Visual InterDev maintains a custom bookmark. If the recordset includes a unique key, Visual InterDev can maintain a bookmark that pinpoints the current record when reopening the recordset. If the recordset does not include a unique key, Visual InterDev uses the recordset's absolute position as the bookmark.

Preserve Bookmark in page

Choose this setting if you want to move to the record with a bookmark when the recordset is opened on this page. When you move to another page, this setting no longer applies.

Preserve Bookmark in Session state

Choose this setting if you want to move to the record with a bookmark whenever this recordset is opened during this browser session.

Preserve Recordset in Session state

Choose this setting if you want the entire recordset to be loaded into memory when this recordset is first opened during this browser session. This setting is useful if you will be accessing this recordset's data frequently during a particular session.

No cache

Choose this setting if you don't want a cache.

Automatically open the recordset

Check this box if you want the recordset to be automatically opened whenever an ASP or HTML page containing it opens.