Visual InterDev

Navigation Tab (Grid Properties Dialog Box)


Use this tab to set paging and navigation options in the Grid design-time control.


Page navigation

Enable paging

Select to specify that multiple pages should be used, rather than displaying all records at once. Paging is useful if there are a lot of records to be displayed.


Select to specify the number of records to display at one time if paging is enabled. The default number of records to display is set to 20. This option is available when Enable paging is selected.

Button captions

Go to first

Select to specify a button to move the user to the first page of data. A common caption for this button is "|<".


Select to specify a button to move the user to the previous page of data. A common caption for this button is "<".


Select to specify a button to move the user to the next page of data. A common caption for this button is ">".

Go to last

Select to specify a button to move the user to the last page of data. A common caption for this button is ">|".

Page numbers

Select to specify that the current page number should be displayed. For example "Page 1" would be displayed near the bottom of the grid. This option is only available when Enable paging is selected.

Row Navigation

Enable row navigation

Select to specify that row navigation should be used, allowing a specific row to be highlighted for editing.

Row color

Select to specify the color of the highlighted row when row navigation is enabled.

Button captions