Java Tasks (Text Editor - Options Dialog Box)


Provides settings for determining how the Task List works with your code.

With the Java Tasks section of the Text editor options you can:


Detect Comment Tasks

When this option is selected, the Task List displays comment tasks entered in code. You can add or modify the strings that you want to be detected as comment tasks in the Environment section of the Options dialog box. This option is selected by default.

Check Syntax As You Type

When this option is selected, Visual J++ checks the syntax of your code as you enter it in the Text editor. Syntax errors detected are displayed in the Task List. This option is selected by default.

Include Statement-Level Errors

When this option is selected, Visual J++ performs a more detailed check for syntax errors while you are typing. This option is not available if the Check Syntax As You Type option is not selected. This option is selected by default.

Underline Syntax Errors As You Type

When this option is selected, Visual J++ displays a red "squiggly" line under any code that contains a syntax error. This option is not available if the Check Syntax As You Type option is not selected. This option is selected by default.

Underline Java Compilation Errors

When this option is selected, the Visual J++ compiler displays a blue "squiggly" line under any code that produced an error during compilation. Descriptions of any errors that are found during compilation are displayed in the Task List. This option is selected by default.