Visual J++ Samples

Visual J++ includes a number of samples that you can examine to learn more about the new technologies available in this product. Demonstrated technologies include:

All Visual J++ samples are contained in a single, self-extracting executable file. To extract these samples:

  1. Insert the Microsoft Developer Network Library CD 1 into your CD-ROM drive. Navigate to the msdn98\98vs\<LCID>\samples\vj98 directory.


    If you installed Visual J++ Samples through a custom or full MSDN setup, navigate to the Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\msdn98\98vs\<LCID>\samples\vj98 directory.

  2. Double-click vj6sampl.exe to extract and install the samples.

Once the installation process is complete, review the start.htm page that is copied into the root folder of the destination you selected. This page provides complete overviews and links to each sample.