Master Record Source (Data Form Wizard)

See Also   Tasks

Allows you to choose the record source and fields within the record source to use for the master section of the form.


Record Source

Lists available record sources in the database you chose.

Available Fields

Lists the available fields in the selected record source.

Selected Fields

Lists the fields to include in your form.

Selection and Order Buttons

Buttons are provided to move items between the Selected Fields list and the Available Fields list, as well to change the order of the fields on the form. The following shows each button and its meaning:

Button Description
Moves the selected field in the Available Fields list to the Selected Fields list.
Moves all of the fields in the Available Fields list to the Selected Fields list.
Moves the selected field in the Selected Fields list to the Available Fields list.
Moves all of the fields in the Selected Fields list to the Available Fields list.
Changes the order of the fields on your form. Each time you click the button, the selected field in the Selected Fields list moves up one position.
Changes the order of the fields on your form. Each time you click the button, the selected field in the Selected Fields list moves down one position.

Column to Sort By

Specifies the field you want to use for sorting. This can be any field in the selected record source and is not limited to the fields selected for display.