Connect Information Step

If you selected the ODBC format in the Database Type step of the Data Form Wizard, the Connect Information step allows you to specify the ODBC information, such as a data source name (DSN), database, and driver.

The following procedures show different ways of connecting to a database through ODBC.

To connect to a database using a DSN that you have created

  1. In the DSN drop-down list, select the name of your ODBC data source. (To create a data source, use the ODBC icon in the Windows Control Panel.)

  2. If a user ID and password are associated with this data source, enter the information in the UID and PWD boxes, respectively.

To connect to a database using a generic DSN

  1. In the DSN drop-down list, select the name of the generic data source, such as FoxPro Files.

  2. In the Database box, enter the full path and name of the database file.

To connect to a database using a specified driver

  1. In the Database box, enter the full path and name of the database file.

  2. In the Driver drop-down list, select the driver you want to use, such as Microsoft FoxPro Driver (*.dbf).

To connect to a full server database

  1. In the UID and PWD boxes, enter the associated user ID and password, respectively.

  2. In the Database box, enter the name of the database.

  3. In the Driver drop-down list, select the driver you want to use, such as SQL Server or Oracle.

  4. In the Server box, enter the name of the server.

Once you have specified the connection information, click Next to specify details about the form to be created.