Converting Visual Basic ADO Examples to Visual J++


The ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) object model provides a way to access data from your Visual J++ applications. You can use it to access any data source that is compatible with Open Database Connectivity (ODBC). ADO is also accessible from a variety of programming languages, such as Microsoft Visual Basic and Microsoft Visual InterDev, and from applications, such as Microsoft Access and Microsoft Excel. It is these robust capabilities that makes ADO such an attractive database object model.

Because many applications, scripting languages, and macro languages use some aspect of Microsoft Visual Basic, the examples provided in the ADO documentation demonstrate how to access ADO using Visual Basic syntax. Although the ADO object model provides a consistent way to access data from any programming language, there are some important differences in how ADO is used with Visual Basic versus Visual J++. In addition to syntax differences, there are also slight differences in how to perform operations in ADO. To use the examples provided in the ADO documentation from within Visual J++, it is important to understand how to translate these examples into Visual J++ syntax.

Consider the following points when translating the examples from Visual Basic to Visual J++:

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