Description of WJVIEW Syntax

The WJVIEW.EXE (WJVIEW) command line uses the following syntax:

WJVIEW [options] <classname> [arguments]

The following table describes input to the WJVIEW command.

Entry Meaning
Options One or more WJVIEW options. See WJVIEW Command-Line Options for more information.
Classname The name of the class to execute. Do not include the .class extension of this filename. For example, use HelloWorldApp and not HelloWorldApp.class.

Note   You may also specify a fully-qualified class name, without the .class extension, such as, C:\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\HelloWorldApp\ HelloWorldApp.

Arguments Command-line arguments to be passed to the class identified by classname.

Note   Any options that you wish to supply to WJVIEW must be supplied before the name of the class file or they will be interpreted as command-line arguments to the class file.